Monday, May 17, 2010
Happy Syttende Mai
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Wizard of Oz
Don't you just love Dr. Oz? Leave it to Oprah to discover yet another brilliant person. Dr. Mehmet Oz has took this medical awareness by storm. His show is on in the mornings, in the afternoons and I think late night too. Don't bother just trying to catch a few minutes of his show because its so informative, it will just suck you in. He covers so many current health topics, but the most important thing that he's trying to get people to do is to notice what their Real Age is according to your weight, cholestoral levels, blood pressure, diet and exercise practises. He stresses that the #1 killer of Americans is Heart Disease, but its so fixable by changing your diet and exercising. He's so sweet and its obvious that the ladies go gaga for him, but his warm and genuine caring is so evident. Once you see his show you'll want to take that next step for living a healthier life. Oh, and eat berries!
PR Superstar - Kelly Cutrone
So I just finished reading, "If you have to cry, Go Outside and other Things Your Mother Never Told You" by Kelly Cutrone. I finished the book in a couple of days and all I can say is I wish I had read this in my 20's, or even my 30's for that matter. This read was fantastic and Kelly kicks butt! Kelly Cutrone is the founder of People's Revolution which is a Public Relations Company specializing in the Fashion World. She runs offices in LA, New York and London and is a single mom of a young 10 year old named Ava (who is the love & center of her life). I suppose she hit the main stream after being on a couple of MTV Reality shows and just got her own reality show last season, aptly named, "Kell on Earth." If you first see her, she comes across as this uptight, all black wearing Gothic, Rocker chick with a bitchy disposition. Well, I guess she can be and has been known to overwork her employees, but she is definitely one to be reckoned with in the Billion dollar fashion industry. She is so brilliantly smart and is good, or rather, incredible at what she does. She works hard and has been a key person in the fashion world; designers count on her to market, publicize and brand them and their collections. I was so impressed with her story and its amazing to see how she got from growing up in upstate New York to NYC. I enjoyed especially reading about the spiritual side of her and how she assembled her own religion. Basically her way of living and creating the best person she can be. The book is part autobiography, part career building do's and don'ts and part how to feel whole and complete. The chick is honest and different and knows "where she stands in the pack." One of the chapters in her book is titled, " Bitch is not a Bad Word." That alone made my day! I wish I could have been an intern there. Go Kelly!
Fallen Heros
In honor of Police Week 2010, I wanted to take a moment to honor all the fallen law enforcement heros. From police officers to sheriffs, parole and probation officers and special agents, there are nearly 20,000 officers who have lost their lives while serving and protecting the citizens of our country. In Washington, DC, there are five full days of events all in honor of these heros. Opening ceremonies began on Wed, May 13 and they conclude this Sunday, May 16. It should be a really exciting time at our nation's capital and a wonderful way to honor and remember fallen brothers and sisters as well as to show support for all of their survivors.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Modern Pioneer

Did anyone catch that recent interview with Craig Newmark? I was so impressed with this man and it really got me thinking about how our world is changing because of not only the internet, but because of the connection of people and causes through social networks. Craig Newmark is the founder of Craigslist. Being from San Francisco, I remember being introduced to Craigslist in the mid 1990's. I've bought and sold things (even a car), I've set up poker parties for my husband, I've found a place to live and I've even found a job on Craigslist. That sight has been my "Go to" sight for all my needs and even wants too. To see how this sight how grown; its now worldwide and has connected so many people is ingenious. I think the one most important thing that I got out of his interview is that these social networks offer an individuals a voice. No matter what your cause is; group, idea, or party, it allows the power and influence to flow. Its a way to act together in goodwill by building a network of trust. He said that he believes that customer service is public service and public service is customer service. I'm gonna focus on that statement today! I applaud Mr. Newmark! Great Job!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The New Susan Boyle
Did anyone see Janey Cutler on Britain's Got Talent? She's gonna be the new Susan Boyle I betcha. She's 80 years old, looked great and my goodness could she sing. Here it is on youtube. I take my hat off for this woman. She walked onto the stage seeming a little confused but things changed once she opened her mouth. I give her so much credit for auditioning for the show and sharing her love for singing with the world. I am just aiming to make it to 80!
Record Food Drive by 230,000 Letter Carriers
So I read today that the Stamp out Hunger Food Drive organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers hit the 1 Billion pound mark. That's holy incredible! So, this all went down this past Saturday. The National Association of Letter Carriers, the US Postal Service and Campbell Soup Company teamed up to collect donations of food along postal routes. It was the largest one day food drive in our nation's history. These non-perishable foods will be delivered to food banks and will ultimately hit nearly 10,000 communities. What is so amazing is that in one day, they collected more food (that's 1 Billion pounds) than what was collected since this food drive started 18 years ago. There were 32,000 fans on Facebook too. Go Stamp Out Hunger 2010!!!
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